Strategies Need To Overcome National Park Project Implementation Challenges

1) Awareness Raising / Social Mobilization:


Awareness in any Community is essential for development of the area. For the success and sustainability of any project, there must be wakefulness in community. In Gurez Valley the literacy rate is under 30%. People don’t know about the benefits, objectives and Wild Life / Forests rules. While Wild Life Department, PMAC and HWF are doing insufficient efforts regarding Awareness raising.

HWF/PMAC must have mobilization staff who can mobilize community about the benefits of National Park for the development of area. They must satisfy community by responding their inquiries. The community must be well informed about the Forests and Wild Life Rules.

2) Networking & Linkages with Local CBOs and Communities:


Linkages & Networking are the important tool to mobilize, train and organize community for successfully completion of the project. PMAC/ HWF have no linkages with Local Community and CBOs. HWF appointed Field Officer and was never seen in the field area.

PMAC/HWF must establish linkages with the Community and CBOs. Field Officer must visit often the project area.

3) Capacity Building of HWF/PMAC/ Wild Life Staff and CBOs:


HWF/ Wild Life lower staff didn’t know about the Objectives, benefits, Wild Life and Forests rules & Regulations of and other information of National Park.

PMAC/ HWF must conduct training for Capacity Building for the staff as well as influential community members and Local CBOs

4) Development Projects:


Gurez Valley is the most backward area here is need of development projects urgently. PMAC and HWF have no intervention in the Project Area (Gurez Valley). Community needs mobilization as well as the development projects for the area. When Community will realize that HWF/ PAMC is really working for Development of the area they surely give positive response.

HWF/PMAC should initiate projects with partnership of Local NGOs/CBOs. It should be done after assessment and Village Development Plans submission from the Organizations.

5) Involvement of Local NGOs/CBOs in the Project:


For sustainability of Project its essential to involve local organizations in the project activities. HWF/PMAC didn’t involve the Local NGOs/CBOs in the project activities.

HWF/PMAC should involve the Local NGOs/CBOs in the social mobilization and awareness raising as well as project activities. They should be funded through small grants scheme.

6) Seminars, Workshops, Campaigns and Informative Pamphlets:


Seminars, Campaigns and Informative Pamphlets regarding National Park & Nature Conservancy at community level are the important source of awareness raising. While there are no such activities done by HWF and PMAC

HWF/PMAC should arrange different workshops, meetings and group discussions on Nature Conservancy among communities, concerned authorities, activists, community organizations and youth. It can provide a mechanism for communication and could play an evocative role to resolve the issue and to eliminate the hurdles in the implementation of the project (MDGNP) through consultation, linkages and coordination among concerned authorities and indigenous communities.

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